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Hey! Remember Metroidvania Works? I do. I'd been waiting to produce this episode until I could record Xanadu footage, but... after buying a very expensive copy of the game that didn't work AND an MSX flash device that wouldn't boot beyond the title screen, I finally just shrugged and used someone else's footage. Sorry about that, but hopefully the point comes across all the same!


Knight Lore / Xanadu / The Legend of Zelda retrospective: Moonmadness | Metroidvania Works #08

The metroidvania journey continues with a look at three more games from the mid ’80s that helped pave the way for the genre—none of which, notably, hail from U.S. developers. While the American games industry was reinventing itself in the wake of the Atari crash, British and Japanese developers steamed ahead full throttle with games that combined action, adventure, and exploration all at once, beginning with UK-based Ultimate Play-the-Game's influential isometric classic and ending with a gold-clad game that should require no further introduction to viewers of this channel... Video Works is funded through Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Colbin Erdahl

Excellent video. The brief focus on how Zelda synthesized rpg elements into “low friction” gameplay really crystallized for me what that game had done with works that had come before, and placed it in history. This is how you understand true works of genius. And ooooo, that teaser! Getting to the “vania”, can’t wait to hear all about Transylvania III: Vanquish the Night!


I did not know that the Japanese version of Xanadu was already mostly in English. I should give this a try sometime. As a last resort for old Japanese games on weird old consoles/computers there's always Project EGG, but, of course, that's emulation, not sure if that would be a problem for this video series.