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This game does not really fall within the Video Works remit, and I will get back to the regularly programmed content soon—but you have to admit that I'm pretty good at coming up with flimsy excuses for covering games outside the standard NES/Game Boy/N64/etc. realm. It's a talent.


Final Fantasy VII retrospective: Premake | N64 Works Gaiden #01

I said we'd be jumping over to N64 Works, and I meant it... it's just happening, uh, gradually. In this case, we're defining the shape of N64 by what N64 was missing: Specifically, one of the biggest and most popular games of the ’90s. One part historic overview of the business politics of the N64 era, one part look back at the compelling introductory design of Final Fantasy VII's opening chapter, you'd better believe this video was basically just an excuse for me to play a classic game from outside the bounds of the Video Works project in an effort to bolster my spirits during the age of social distancing. Video Works is funded through Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.



Oh, I'd really like to see a video about Dragon Warrior (/Quest) VII. That game just doesn't get enough love, "this is an incredibly long game" seems to be just about all that most people know about it.

Jeremy Parish

It would be neat, but unfortunately it is absolutely impossible for me to sink 100+ hours into one video belonging to a weekly series. That's two and a half weeks of full time work just to capture footage...


Watching this along with listening to the Retronauts episodes on FFVII has been very illuminating about this very important game. In Europe, this was our first brush with the series and it was a hugely influential game for me, having no experience with (non-action) JRPGs. We got very few of those revered SNES classics. The genre quickly became an obsession. It's interesting to see how it's reputation has shifted, FFVIII and IX got a pasting from certain corners of the RPG community in the early 00s, but FFVII's reputation remained intact for a while. Now it's much more mixed, but even though it's flaws show more clearly, its many achievements remain undiminished. I agree the themes it introduced and the excellent pacing of the Midgar section help it stand out. I wonder if a further vid on the later parts of the game may appear? Though I appreciate fitting it in with everything else would likely be unfeasible!