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Here's the 50th (!) Game Boy World script, a look at Vic Tokai's wonderful Daedalian Opus. Hopefully I'll have time to produce the videos for this and Blodia over the weekend, though who knows. It looks like I may once again be (ugh) traveling.

In other news, I'm sure everyone received a message about this directly from Patreon, but it seems the company got careless and let hackers steal its database — 14 GB of personal info. That means anyone with an account has had their information compromised. It doesn't look like bank accounts or credit cards were stolen, but other information like addresses and backer histories was. So please, be sure to change your login here and anywhere else that uses the same password. I'd hate for anyone to have their personal info compromised on account of their support for my projects.

EDIT: Well, it looks like my recording equipment has been damaged during my recent travels, so I need to pony up for a new... something. I'll start with cheap parts (cables!) and work my way toward the more expensive pieces. Unfortunately this means it'll probably be a little longer before I can produce videos. I'm very sorry for the delay.


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