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I feel like this is a game that I could have gone into greater depth about, but I decided to save my energy for the next Game Boy Works Color episode...

Still, some kind of cool stuff in this release. I like interesting imports with strange features.

Also, there's some Hello Kitty stuff.

Update: I have corrected a glitched caption. Thanks for the heads-up so I could fix it before it went public!


Game Boy Wars 2 retrospective: Veterans of foreign wars | Game Boy Works Color #006

We look overseas this week to a notable Japan-only release for Game Boy Color: A chapter of the Intelligent Systems "Wars" series. Though not as sophisticated or charming as Advance Wars, there's still a lot to like about this import title... assuming you don't mind the significant step backward it represents from the later games that actually made their way to the U.S. Also in this episode: Game Boy Color gets the first of many, many Pokémon clones to come in the fully tolerable but utterly unremarkable Sanrio Time Net, which comes in both Past and Future versions.


Robert Williams

Also, you refer to this as “Game Boy Works episode 6” in the intro. No Color.

Zachary Adams

It's funny, the Wars series always makes me think first of Nectaris/Military Madness, since that came out in English first despite being a year younger than FC Wars. I just really can't believe what a blatant crib it is, and then Hudson goes and releases three official games in the Wars series!