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This is it! The final officially licensed and released Virtual Boy game. As with the other three most recent games I've covered, it's crazy expensive now due to its rarity. A shame, because this is a legitimately excellent rendition of bowling. It's genuinely fun to play! 

Virtual Boy Works isn't over, though. There are still three more episodes remaining. Please look forward to it... after a quick break to look at a few games that involve less staring into screens of eye-searing red.


Virtual Bowling retrospective: 10 pins none the richer | Virtual Boy Works #21

This is it! The very final Japanese release for Virtual Boy. The final Virtual Boy game retrospective. And the most expensive Virtual Boy game by far. But you know, it's kind of nice to end this series on a high note. Virtual Bowling is legitimately a fantastic take on the sport, with great mechanics and pleasant visuals. Pity that a boxed copy will set you back as much as a decent used car these days. One final "thank you" goes out to Chris Kohler for providing this rare gem for coverage.


Jon Heiman

"CONGRATULATIONS!" But shouldn't that be more "The End?" then?


Thanks, Jeremy! Great stuff. This appeases my ceaseless thirst for Virtual Boy. BTW, typo (Virtual Bowking) at the 26 second mark.