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Wow, dang. I really wanted to like this one. I didn't like it at all back in the day, but the reasons for my lukewarm sentiments had faded in memory, so I had hoped it would be one that impressed me more in hindsight. But no, as you can see here, I now have the context and vocabulary to better understand why I dislike it more than I did back in 1992. Alas!

This will be the last Super NES video until next year. I'm going to get cranking on the book!


Lagoon retrospective: Bad ending | Super NES Works #029

Super NES Works 1991 limps weakly over the finish line with the third dud in a row. Lagoon makes a pitiful capstone for an otherwise strong opening period for Nintendo's 16-bit beast, a hobbled conversion of a fairly respectable PC game that suffers horribly from a single ill-considered new design choice. Oh well! At least we have 1992 to look forward to...


James Jackson

Hi Jeremy, great video as always. Wanted to let you know -- I think you may have an audio glitch or clipped mic at about 05:45. Keep up the great work!

Zachary Adams

Ys 3, a game I bought used at Hastings and played obsessively, is next? Time to hibernate til 2020.

Jeremy Parish

Hastings! Haven’t heard that name in ages. Hastings is where I rented Ys III, as it happens.