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Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while since the last video upload, but I've been using a different workflow for the past few weeks—rather than producing a single episode start-to-finish each week, I've been stockpiling scripts and footage. I have a month's worth of that material in the bag now, so over the next week or so I intend to edit together those episodes—which will, astonishingly, take us to the midway point of the Virtual Boy library. Wowzers.

So now I have a question for you: Would you prefer to receive this streak of videos as I create them, even if it means there might be a gap of a few weeks as I move into the next batch? Or would you rather I space out the Patreon posts to fall more into line with the public posts, so you're getting videos here about a week before the public release? Let me know!


Jack Bros. retrospective: Devil with a red dress | Virtual Boy Works #07

It's one of the Virtual Boy's holy grails... or should that be "unholy grails"? Jack Bros. holds an odd place in history, being Atlus's sole release for Virtual Boy, as well as the stealth debut of the long-running Shin Megami Tensei series in the U.S. But this is no RPG—no, it's something far more unique, and equally enjoyable. All of this makes a rare case of a game whose price has soared into the stratosphere but actually has appeal to more than just collectors.


Steve Martin

Jeremy, release them when you feel they are complete. Some of us don't support you for the advantage of an early peak of the videos as much as we want to keep you able to keep making these videos and pay your bills! On top of my $6 pledge here, I also do the $20 pledge for Retronauts, because you are worth keeping in business!

El Pescado

I think releasing them whenever they’re ready instead of keeping them on a set schedule is what’s best. Like most everyone here said, the patreon pledge is to support your efforts to do this because we enjoy the content you put out.