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Hello everyone— 

I'm both excited and proud to present the very first episode of Virtual Boy Works. 

I've wanted this project to happen more or less since I kicked off Game Boy Works (née World) nearly five years ago, and it's only thanks to a handful of recent community-driven technological innovations that I'm finally able to make it work. Thanks to the new Virtual Boy RGB-out mod by Furtekk, I can capture footage from the Virtual Boy in high-definition. Admittedly, it's only one channel of the stereo optics being shown here, but it's still real footage from real hardware, and that's rad. 

Well, you can learn more about the methodology in the video itself. And you'll learn about Mario's Tennis! The least-played of all Mario sports games.

Anyway, thanks go out to Chris Kohler and Jacob Proctor for their help with the logistics of this series. And thank YOU for your continued support for preposterous endeavors like this. As always, I can't express my gratitude enough for the financial and moral support that makes this video series possible. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Saturnalia, or some other solstice-centric occasion, the debut of this outlandish new venture is my gift to you. 


Mario's Tennis retrospective: Doubles vision | Virtual Boy Works #01

Welcome to Virtual Boy Works! This brief journey through the entire worldwide library of Nintendo's least-beloved system begins here, with the Mario crew's first outing on the tennis court. It's a decent game whose flaws are outweighed by its strengths—a perfect example of the Virtual Boy itself, and a great example of this series' central premise: Virtual Boy may not have been a great system, but its library was better than most people realize.


Kevin Bunch

This is really cool and I'm glad everything finally came together to make it happen. I haven't played much of the Virtual Boy library, but I really like what I have messed with. I think it'll definitely end up in the "good games, bad hardware" category for you by the end. (And hey, I recognize that Pong game!)

Steve Martin

I can't wait for your take on Nester's Funky Bowling!

Jeremy Parish

I can't wait to play BOTH bowling games on Virtual Boy! The console's library is almost 10% bowling by mass! What the hellllll