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Yeah, I'm going with the head-slapper of a localized title on this one, because they kept it for the reissue. Authenticity and all that, I guess.

Aaaaaanyway, here is the second episode of SEGAiden. I won't be able to keep up a biweekly schedule for this series, not with all the travel I have coming up in the next month, but I will do my best!


SEGA Ages: Lightening Force overview: Styx and stones | SEGAiden #02

SEGA Ages on Switch proves its mettle with its second debut title, a conversion of the crown jewel of SEGA's recently acquired Technosoft catalog. It's Thunder Force IV, or as people without the good sense to talk to a copy editor before reprogramming complex title graphics know it, Lightening Force. Wonky name aside, it's pretty great.
