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Hola, amiibos. Sorry it's been a fairly quiet week on the Patreon project front — there have been some major health crises in the family, and that's been my main priority for the past week or so. But while I haven't had the opportunity to produce any video content as planned this week, I've still been productive! With the first anniversary of Game Boy World looming, I decided to chip away at the site's database and get the rest of the Game Boy/GB Color library input into the system. That's just a couple hundred games, I figured. Maybe a couple nights' work. Turns out I hadn't factored in all the U.S.-only and Europe-only titles, since I'd mainly been working off Japanese release lists. In the end, I build objects for more than 800 games, based on info that I gathered by cross-referencing data between several different sources. It's been kind of exhausting, but: The Game Boy World database now includes entries for every single officially licensed GB and GBC game ever released in all territories. The new entries haven't been published — they need screens and tags attached — but the truly difficult work is done. That is pretty rad. Once those entries are published, the site will be, to my knowledge, the only comprehensive online database of all games for those system, searchable by date, titles, and a number of different tags. That's been one of my main goals with this project, and it's great to have it within sight. I've also been working on Ultra 64 (http://www.ultra-64.com) — you can see I've been filling out game entries with short abstracts to make the front page more attractive and informative. I'll do the same for Game Boy World eventually as well. Sorry I don't have flashier work to show off at the moment, but the time-consuming nuts-and-bolts stuff is essential to this venture and has to be done eventually. But with a big chunk of the boring stuff out of the way (and my wife's health improving), you can expect to see a couple of more interesting updates over the next few days. Thanks!


Max Smith

I love the little Ultra64 writeups. 1-2 sentences and you get the gist of the game. Awesome! (I of course like the essays better, but no one wants to do an essay of NFL Blitz...except maybe Kat)

Nathan Kobland

Awesome news on the Game Boy World front, hope all is getting better family-health wise, and looking forward to the stuff coming out in the next few days!