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Yes, that's right — I've already put together the next episode of Game Boy Works. Astro Rabby ended up being precisely what I had hoped it would be: A simple and thoroughly enjoyable import deep-cut for Game Boy. It's not the greatest game ever, but I really enjoyed it and had a lot to say about it… and I was so excited to write about this little gem that, well, I've already put the episode together, well in advance of the usual schedule.

On to episode 100!


Astro Rabby retrospective: Lapin it up | Game Boy Works #099

A pleasant surprise this week, as one of the most charming game boxes to have appeared in some time contains… a thoroughly pleasant and enjoyable little game. Astro Rabby turns out to be a little-known Japan-only release that isn't a puzzler, isn't shoddily made, and isn't painful to play. It's a good-natured top-down platformer for flexible controls and a decent difficulty curve that steadily ramps up from breezy to brutal. Not a classic, but in a way it's better than a masterpiece: It's just a fun little diversion with no frills and no expectations attached.



I'm surprised you like this game so much. I have never played it, but when I looked it up (to find out what game you were hinting at in the last episode), it seemed like impressions and reviews were rather negative about it. It looks interesting, though, so I prefer to trust you on this one. Btw., I noticed a little typo in this episode: When mentioning Golgo you called Vic Tokai "Vic Tokia". ;)


Oh wow, this looks really interesting! I may have to track down a copy for my collection...