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The alternate angle text for Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World is now live at gameboyworld.com. Hoorah! The first backer bonus video is written, audio is recorded and edited, and the video component should come together over the weekend. Also, for laffs, I'll be uploading bits of archival content for you folks to enjoy while I soldier through my current homeless phase — a few more weeks, it looks like. I've attached the first-ever self-published project I ever put together here, dating from way back in October 2001. Chances are you may have read it, but if not, well... 2001 was a long time ago. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Right...?


Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World

The vexing thing about Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World is that, while it's a perfectly entertaining action puzzler in its own right, it's best described in terms of a game that wouldn't hit the Game Boy until several months later.


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