August Bonus #2: Game Tech Video Vol. 9 (Patreon)
Another Game Tech Video VHS rip full of game coverage from 1988, including popular mainstream stuff and offbeat weirdness alike. This episode's lead feature is a Konami retrospective inspired by Snatcher. Beautiful. Just watch out for the (1) fighting game tournament whose gimmick entrants don't quite manage to successfully walk the line between "goofy drag event" and "whoopsie I did a li'l transphobia." I stress that this video is a product of its time and culture, but I don't love that part and am only uploading it intact (along with the "8-bit girls get nekkid again" segment at the end) because the point of this exercise is to post out-of-print media as-is. There's plenty of worthwhile material here to make up for the rough bits, though! I continue to be intrigued by the lost Famicom roguelike, and there's a lot of preview content for games that were a little too niche for Famimaga Video to bother with. So... one of those classic mixed bags. The iffy parts begin at 8:28 and 40:50, for reference.