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Or, if the cart label is to be believed, Alex Kidd: The Lost Star. I love the quality control on 8-bit Sega packaging.

This episode probably comes off a bit negative, which is just going to increase the sour remarks about Master System that I see on my videos. But I will spoil the storyline a bit and say that next episode ends with a redemptive arc.


Sophomore slump: Space Harrier 3-D & Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars | Segaiden 059

Warning to sensitive viewers: This episode contains rapidly strobing 3D footage. I normally drop alternating frames on 3D games to minimize the effect, but in this case, the 3D imaging is central to the criticism. By mid-1988, the Master System had just about reached its second birthday... and, well, you know what they say about the "terrible twos." Here we have a string of second games in existing Master System franchises to prove the point. I wouldn't call either Space Harrier 3-D or Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars bad, but neither quite capture the excellence of Space Harrier or Alex Kidd: In Miracle World. In both cases, I feel that these failings result from the desire to chase an arcade-style experience, though each game falls short for entirely different reasons. Space Harrier 3-D makes questionable use of the Sega 3-D Glasses, while Alex Kidd abandons the rich design of its console-based predecessor in pursuit of converting a vapid coin-op release. Sorry, kids, the birthday party is canceled. Production notes: Why watch when you can read? All 420 full-color pages of SG-1000 Works: Segaiden Vol. I are now in print at Limited Run Games (https://limitedrungames.com/collections/books). You can also grab the massive hardcover print editions of NES Works, Super NES Works, and Virtual Boy works as well. Look for NES Works Gaiden Vol. I and Master System Works Vol. I in 2024-25. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, exclusive podcasts, eBooks, and more! Master System footage captured from U.S. carts running through a cart adapter on Japanese Master System hardware and MiSTer (thanks to MiSTerAddOns). Video upscaled to 4K with RetroTink 4K. RGB cables courtesy of StoneAgeGamer.com and Allie Bellrose.


Erik R

Don't let the comments get you down, the vast majority of us really appreciate all the work you're putting in. I had a Genesis as a kid, and had literally never heard of the Master System, much less the SG-1000 or anything else. I assumed the Genesis was their first console (it's the first book of the Bible, right?), so all of this is like a fascinating prequel I didn't know existed.

Beefington von Barnstorm

Uh oh, does this mean the next one will be the major bummer that is Zillion II? Kid me marvelled at the great graphics but haaaaaated how it played.

Jeremy Parish

Oh, I'm not discouraged. I have a coverage strategy set, and I'm sticking to it. Just annoyed at the petty complaints.