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It's time for a rare Content Warning from me, although I don't think the material here is that upsetting given the context. It's another Game Tech Video from Sony, this time hailing from May 1988, that once again takes a more offbeat look at contemporary games than other Japanese video or print publications of the era. GTV almost feels like a zine with its focus on less-popular games and interests outside of the usual "ages 5-to-12" audience that Famicom was marketed to. There are a couple of dense RPGs from Bothtec and Hummingbird Soft this issue, which were far more demanding than your usual Dragon Quest clone, plus an entire segment on games that were popular in the U.S. (and how they differed from the Japanese versions!). And, at the very end, you have a short segment on bootleg/pirate Famicom software, including a kaizo Mario hack (!!) and, unfortunately, games like Super Maruo, which involve nudity and girls whose ages appear to be, shall we say, questionable. There's only a tiny flash of lady butt and 8-bit nipple, but it's there, so please consider yourself warned (as if the age gate didn't already wave you off).

As always, please turn on your auto-translated subtitles for best effect! Unless you speak Japanese already, you sexy polyglot, you.


GTV: Game Tech Video Vol. 4 [May 1988] VHS Rip

Another episode of Sony's Game Tech Video VHS magazine, this time from May 1988. As usual, GTV embraces its quirky nature with the Max Headroom-like presenter Sophie and delves into topics that the more mainstream publications like Famimaga would never touch. Highlights this issue include a look at what's popular in the U.S. (presented by an actual American!), offbeat Famicom releases like Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde, and a brief look at "underground" Famicom games, i.e. bootlegs, i.e. mostly softcore lolicon porn... though there is an early kaizo Mario ROM hack included in here! Anyway, that last section is pretty questionable, though the actual amount of genuine 8-bit lady parts on display clocks in at around a second and a half. And it does capture a slice of actual video game history from its own contemporary perspective, which I guess makes it a worthwhile time capsule. YMMV. Captured from a JVC SVHS deck via S-video and upscaled to 720p via Framemeister. As always, please feel free to use any of this material for your own projects, provided you either provide a link back in the comments or an on-screen source credit. Thanks! 0:35 Intro USA Report 1:20 R.C Pro Am 1:47 Rad Racer 2:12 Super Mario Bros. 2:31 Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! 2:53 The Legend of Zelda 4:08 Software Preview 4:32 April 4:35 Bebop High School 6:28 Aspic 7:20 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 8:30 Ikari Warriors II 9:23 Kamen Rider Black 10:26 Famicom Tantei Club 11:15 Pro Yakyuu World Stadium 12:59 May 13:16 Deep Dungeon III 14:28 Sengoku Mahjong 15:26 Namco Classic 18:40 Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen 19:51 1943: The Battle of Midway 21:49 June 21:52 R-Type I & II 22:56 Blaster Master 26:02 Underground Software Showcase 26:34 Super Maruo 26:52 Super Mario Nightmare Version 27:19 [Unclear title... a porny puzzler] 27:50 [Unclear title... a porny Breakout clone] 28:09 Next episode preview


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