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Whew, I almost didn't make my self-imposed deadline with this one. But here it is! The next-to-last episode of NES Works Gaiden Casio... well, next-to-last unless I should somehow come across the means to record from a PV-2000. That's unlikely. Those things are hard to find in any condition, but locating one with an intact keyboard that hasn't turned into brittle fragments of membrane plastic? Fuhgeddaboutit.

This is a pretty interesting episode simply because it features two remarkable firsts for the medium. Wow! Love to see revolutionary material flushed into the memory hold because it's tied to failed hardware!


Still first in space: Pachinko-UFO & Space Panic | NES Works Gaiden (Casio) 66

This episode brings us two space-themed games for PV-1000. Because Space Invaders still loomed large in the collective conscious. Interestingly, both of these games represent significant firsts for the medium, though they do NOT loom large in the collective conscious. Way to go, Casio. First, we have—I think?!—the world's first actual true pachinko simulation for consoles. And it's... not terrible? Strange but true. Secondly, a home conversion of (probably) the first platform video game, Space Panic from Universal. It sits at the Lagrange Point between Heiankyo Alien, Donkey Kong, and Lode Runner. The fulcrum around which they orbit. Or something. Few people remember Space Panic, and those who do don't remember it for this port. Special thanks to Christa Lee of Sound Retro Co. for modding my PV-1000 console for composite output. Production notes: Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! Plus, bonus videos, eBooks, and more! PV-1000 footage recorded from original hardware, modded for composite output by Christa Lee of Sound Retro Co. NES/Famicom footage captured from @analogueinc Nt Mini; SG-1000 footage recorded from Analogue Mega Sg Video; arcade footage generally captured from a MiSTer. All capture upscaled to 4K via Retrotink 4K or to 720p with an xRGB Mini Framemeister.


Steve Martin

I've always wondered if it was because I grew up in the Chicagoland area, that I pronounced it as 'kass-see-o" instead of of "kah-see-o."

Nicholas A. Jalowick

I love that Space Panic isn't just Heiankyo Alien with ladders, but rather has its own subtle, structural differences that make it different to play, kinda like the relationship between Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man.