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Well, today was awful. So, I decided to take my mind off the unhappy news from D.C., which promises to have devastating effects on my livelihood and life, by ditching my planned work for the day and putting together the next Game Boy Works a few days early. I feel a little better now; hopefully this will be a small ray of sunshine for you, too.

Seriously, though. For the past few years, this Patreon campaign has been the only way I've been able to afford to insure my wife's health. That's especially true now that I'm trying to build Retronauts into a business. And with the current government doing its best to peel away her protections, we're definitely going to need every cent. So please let me thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart for your support for my niche video projects, because it's possibly made a life-or-death difference for the single most important person in the world to me. 

(I kinda feel like a DuckTales retrospective is a paltry repayment, but it's all the currency I have for the moment.)


Disney's DuckTales retrospective: Conversion inversion, woo-ooh | Game Boy Works #088

While far from perfect (check out that abominable frame rate!), this adaptation of Capcom's popular platformer based on Disney's DuckTales cartoon is without question the best NES-to-Game Boy conversion we've yet seen on Game Boy Works. Demonstrating smart choices in terms of sprite art, level design, and mechanics, it's a fantastic port hampered only by a few instances of iffy programming.


Ryan Langley

Great vid. There was a little bit of odd audio around 10:30? Think I can hear you (or something) in the background. Not sure if it was intentional!

Jeremy Parish

Yeah, that's my voice, deliberately — I used footage of my DuckTales stream, complete with agonized groans of frustration at dying yet again at the mine carts.

Erich Asperschlager

Excellent video! Great game! Hate to be "that guy" but you say "Himalayan Mines" instead of "African Mines" when you talk about having to go to Transylvania to get the key.

Jeremy Parish

Yeah, I know, but I couldn't edit the audio cleanly to remove "Himalayan", so it goes.