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Hello! If you happen to be a cool Retronauts patreon subscriber, you know that I've been hunting down interesting game related vinyl and cassette releases from the 1980s over the past few years to include in Retronauts Radio episodes. I'm jumping the gun a bit here, since I managed to hunt down one of the more difficult acquisitions on my must-have list—Capcom Game Music Vol. 3 from GMO records. Vol. 1 is pretty easy to come by in any format, and Vol. 2 shows up a lot on cassette and CD, but Vol. 3 tends to show up less commonly and usually sells for an alarming price. I was fortunate enough to find a copy of the vinyl release at a sane price (the strong dollar/yen exchange rate certainly didn't hurt), and on top of that I've finally managed to bodge together a really simple and effective vinyl-to-digital pipeline. So I'm celebrating by sharing the record here... or at least the first side of it, anyway.

As with my previous media uploads, this disc is long out of print and doesn't seem likely to reenter active circulation, so this post shouldn't hurt anyone's bottom line… aside from opportunistic Yahoo! Auctions sellers, maybe. Please enjoy, and I will continue to post interesting out-of-print media rips from time to time.



Max Smith

Yes please!!

James Eldred

Excellent quality rip, nearly as good as my CD copy!