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Hey everyone! I didn't get as much time this month to work on development as I wanted, but I was able to release a few nice features for the PhotoStack web app. Here's a roundup of everything new, exclusively for patrons.


Before now, exporting images in PhotoStack as individual files (as opposed to the ZIP option) always used the browser's download function. This means files always went into the Downloads folder, which isn't always where you want them, and web browsers occasionally blocked some (or all of) the files. This is finally changing!

PhotoStack now uses the brand-new File System Access API on browsers that support it, so when you select the option to save images as individual files, you can pick the folder the images are saved in. No more filling up your browser's download list, no more (potentially) blocked files, and no more moving your photos to the correct place after they are saved!

The catch is that the File System Access API is only supported in Chrome 86, which was just released last month, as well as any browsers based on Chromium 86 or newer. Browsers without the new API will continue to use the older download method.

I also updated PhotoStack with a new option to keep original file names during export. This is a great feature if you're working with images that already have the names you want, and it works in all browsers.

The final new feature is that you can now import AVIF images into PhotoStack, if you have a browser that supports them. However, even the browsers that can load AVIF images can't yet generate them, so it's not an export option yet. 

Finally, I've done some behind-the-scenes cleanup in PhotoStack this month. The app now uses the latest version of the Boostrap framework, which should result in fewer UI bugs. I've also removed code and in-app messages for accessing watermark data stored by PhotoStack 1.0, now that 2.0 has been the default since April. It's still possible to download v1.0 watermarks and re-import them into the current version.


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