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And another wip featuring an adult Katara from Avatar, hope you'll like it!

The description was vague for this one and I didn' had any idea for dialogue, there should be a mid-mess, and messy alternative. If you want to suggest ideas, they are very welcome! 




i’m also on board with the no dialogue, just katara enjoying herself


Hmm, I haven't watched much Avatar, but I'll give the dialogue a shot! Clean: Katara: "After everything, I really needed this little vacation...." Mid-Mess, with Katara grunting and scrunching her face in focus: Katara: "O-oh! I think I'm going to...nnghhh...!~" Messy, with Katara drooling with her eyes crossed: Toph: "Heh, looks like someone learned mud-bending.~" Katara: "Mmmmm....smooshie...." Toph: "Oh yeah, getting you this special daycare trip was a great idea, Sugar Queen. See you when you get your big girl brains back.~" Katara: "Hehe, yip yip!~"