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There's the final and last update to Perpetual Change, finally!

There are several new additions to the game :

  • Four Secret Endings. One for each maturity tier. You can access these endings two ways. Either you choose to start a new game, select "Go to an existing chapter", select chapter 5 and to go to the endings (the secret endings) either you do a run from chapter 1 where you do all the sidequests in each chapter to get all the strange junk. One is easier than the other!

  • Loading screens between areas are shorter. Took me a long time to edit all maps on each chapter but it will be more comfortable to play.

  • I got programming help from a lovely someone from the Patreon and persistent little problems are definitively solved. Like for example the text alignement and color in the biography section of the characters.

  • Another problem solved is also the fact that you could not turn back right away when you were on a teleportation tile to another map. Thanks to this person help, it's now possible, making the game experience more pleasant.

  • You'll find a text doc in the game files named "Guide to read for player". It's the updated version of the guide containing all maturity options chapter by chapter and every relationship option with Fiona.

There are two download links. One is a classic installer that get you a shortcut icon on your desktop; the other is a .rar archive that you need to extract before double-clicking the orange icon to play.



So this is finally it! Thanks to all the people who helped on the project, gave feedbacks and, of course, a big thank you to Personalias!




Congratulations Soap! Perpetual Change is the best abdl videogame created so far! I'm sure The Hive will be great too!


Ayyy. grats, Soap. Time for you to talk about all the behind the scenes stuff and give a general rundown of how everything went in making this over the years from its inception to the end.


Ngl, this game was the reason I first started following your work, I'm so excited to play the final addition!


You've been working on this since before I even knew who you were, this feels strange.


Congratulations! My favorite ABDL game.


Thanks Soap I know I am being repetitive, but I know how much time and work you put in this game, and I really love the game. I have play through all the standard episode 5 endings and some of the other endings. I am looking forward to exploring all the secret endings. I even began to write a form of a guide to keep track on the different ending for my personal use. I think I found out what most of the choices in the game does, but it is nice to check if I was right with the text file you included and also check up on the one that I have missed. Once again thanks to you and all the people that has contributed to making this game great.


It's finally here! can't wait to play the final endings. I hope it's ok if I send you personal message when i do. I'll probably have something sappy to say.


Houra! I've been waiting so long for this and can't wait to play through the game again. As others have said, thank you so much for all the hard work you, Personalias, and all the other artists put into this game.


You are the best, Soap! Well done and thank you so much for all the hard work and everyone else that pitched in with the game too.


Congrats Soap, on finishing Perpetual Change! This game was the reason why I originally subscribed to you and I loved all the secret endings in the game. I just want to thank you and Personalias for all the time and hard work you put into the game. I am also looking forward now to The Hive and see where the future leads to.


Hey Gratz man! Was glad to be here for the ride.


Sorry if this is a dense question, but how do we save our progress? Didn't see that option in the control guide (apologies if I missed it).


how do we install it it seems to be in french language


I don't know if it has been mentioned or if it is too difficult to fix but Vince and Michelle's sprite hair colors do not match their big picture hair colors. Either way, you're still awesome and I'm excited to play the new endings! I really appreciate all the hard work you've done.


Congrats on finishing up PC, Soap! It’s been a long while and tons of hours, but you’ve done a terrific job and I’m very proud of you!


*Avoid spoilers and don’t get into details when answering* I hope it is ok to ask here. I am a bit curious to hear which ending that is your favorite, fellow patrons. I haven´t finished the secret endings yet, but my favorite ending so far must be the Immature Éclair Bad Ending, even if it is a bit sad. While there are cuter endings, I love the kinkier side of Éclairs Immature endings.

Nathan Johnson

What a journey it's been watching this game come together. Kudos! I'm sure someone has recommended it but have you considered putting this game on steam for sale? Maybe not much but could help bring in some additional revenue. I see so many fucking (literal) bdsm hitler games on there any more, I can't imagine this wouldn't be allowed while those are.


My bad, I fucked up when I built the installer, click on "continuer" or "suivant" or any button to the right of the window


I think I am a bit addicted, but in a positive way 😉 I will begin to explore all the secret endings this weekend. My only regret about this game is that I didn’t find it sooner. :-P


Thanks Nathan! I'll look into the steam thing. It may be a good idea if steam allow 18+ games on their platform.


https://partner.steamgames.com/steamdirect When reading this, I don´t see why they should deny it. But I know some services has a problem with visible scat/poo, but it is worth a try. I think putting the game on Steam will open it up to a greater audience and hopefully bring you a well deserved extra revenue as Nathan said.

Pablo Pabuelo

Absolutely wonderful Soap, congratulations on being finished with this massive project! I love the quality of life changes by the way.


Great work soap! Congrats on finishing a fantastic game!


this is such a great game, kudos to the time and work that went into it. You can just tell how much love is in there


Congrats! I'm a dev and I know how hard it is to finish a project, specially of this quality. Really good job!


You should be Soap, I think it is the best ABDL game out there. While I haven´t tried them all, I have tried quite a few. I think most just focus to much on the sexual aspect and with little or none story. Yours have a great story to suck you in and makes you care for the characters. I must say I will miss Eclair and Fiona, maybe we can see some remembrance art in a year and so when you gotten some distance from the project? :-) But I am looking forward for the Hive. I like the concept of the story and the art is wonderful.


Wild how much content there is. My only issue just is wishing messing could be toggled off. Really can't imagine how much time it took to assemble 16 endings, not including game over screens.


how do i beat the puzzle room in ch 5?


i keep losin the day 3 end o night puzzle even when i do it successfully, the dream computer keeps countin it as a loss


can we use it on Mac ?


If you intall a program to run Rpg Maker games named "Wine", you can but I believe that even with that, it's unstable on Mac.


If you have troubles, you can access any chapter by starting a new game and choosing to go directly to chapter 4 or 5 ;)


for some reason, the text in the text boxes doesnt show up for me? i think it maybe might be an issue with my device not having the font used in this... to be fair, im trying to play it on steamdeck through proton/wine, so not your fault probably


Figured out how to make it work with a lot of searching! Excited to play😊


trying to download it on linux and having issues


Can you help me I’ve been trying to download and play it on my computer through steam but idk how


You need to download Microsoft core fonts, it differs between different distros of Linux what the way to do it is, but thats the main thing. Also if you're doing it on steam deck you need to look up how to turn off read only file systems. And on steam deck you'll have to redo the process any time you update your stream deck.