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Wip of the next Fan Art featuring Super Girl, hope you'll like it!




Wow! This is super bad ass and cute ❤️

Jacky Blue

That's what I tell myself. No wait, I tell myself the other way around ("Noo, I don't need them")


Perfectly cute WIP 🥰💖🥰💖🥰


It would be cute if the diaper had cartoonish designs on it so whoever’s talking to her can call her out in the alts for lying about it being for medical purposes and call her Superbaby or something. Also “have” should be “has”, but I don’t see any other corrections.


I hope there's an alt with a really babyish print (return of the sesame street pampers?) so she can get called out for lying heheh


Something like this (https://twitter.com/FunLilBun/status/1584282749090770944)?


I like this scenario


Cant wait to see an alt of her having an accident 💦


Ooh! I'm looking forward to seeing how this will come out. <3

Blake Wall

Minor grammar fix it would work better if you put a word like "these", "this" or "Diapers in between "wearing" and "for" I would suggest, "I am only wearing these"


slight mistake in the second text box "it seems even supergirl HAS some embarrassing secrets" would make more sense. other than that, great art


The eyes have it


personal opinion, while your way is certainly more grammatically correct, i'd say the current version is more in line with what someone would be likely to say

Blake Wall

I certain situations I would agree but to honest it is a matter of opinion and to me it doesn't really fit outside of jokes and memes but I could see why someone wouldn't know that it can be a bit confusing but I appreciate the input