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Fan Art featuring Harley Quinn from Batman, hope you'll like it!

Alternatives versions available in attachments!




Such a great concept, love your quality work as always.


Does anyone know what version of Harley this is? I don't recognize the costume


It's her new "modern" look. Sadly, they abandoned her classic appearance from "Batman the Animated Series" a few years ago for whatever this is... man, I miss her powder white face and full body jester outfit. Way more menacing and hot.


Just did a little googling Im pretty sure it's Harley from the Injustice 2 video game

Nekkie Kyu Bie

Harley is adorable here! Ivy I could def see doing something similar before they became friends/ lovers. Probably keeps her gf in diapers after for old times lol


Super cute as always Soap! Keep up the fabulous work!


Her facial expression is simple only outstanding;-) Is it the insight, that she was caught at the end or is it only, that she must from now on wear a diaper and will be treated as a little girl? She should be happy, that her is still allowed to wear parts of her own cloths;-)


You are welcome=) I can't get enough from your great work=)