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First poll of the month!

I do two polls of 25 suggestions per month. The first two winning suggestions of each poll will get drawn. Then I'll select a suggestion from each poll that I personally like , no matter the amount of votes.

The total of Fan Art will be 6 per month.

If there's no room for you suggestion in this poll, it will be used in the second poll later this month BUT slots are limited to 50 due to Patreon limits for poll (25 slots max a poll).

You can vote for as many characters you want.

If the character you suggested have been drawn in the last 9 months, it won't be included to the poll.

Click here to see the list

Sorry for the suggestions that didn't make it this month!


Nekkie Kyu Bie

Damn, guess I was too slow w my Luz Suggestion. Everyone vote Amity!!!


Personally voting for any that I haven't seen drawn yet. A lot of the suggestions have been drawn at some point.


We need to ban palutena and blyeth. They get enough art, give some of the characters that have none a chance


I'd love to see Diane drawn but it probably isn't likely


First of all, Soap already has a very generous lockout on winning characters. Polls work based on popularity among all voters. That is simply the nature of polls. You're not going to change that. Secondly, since you seem to not bother looking and instead just send off comments to make people mad with the way Soap does things, I bothered looking for how much you consider "enough art" to be for a given character, using those two as points since you so graciously singled them out. And you wouldn't believe what I found! Palutena has been drawn exactly once, and Byleth has been drawn 0 times. (The irony here is hilariously thick.) The only Fire Emblem art that has even been drawn since the commission days was all from the end-of-month livestream.


Still waiting for Byleth to actually get one


I’ve literally never seen a Byleth art in this particular genre, at least not a good one.


Okay Rich, you are awesome! Especially doing the research and basically proving this person wrong


Guys Alice gets mentioned every poll, can we PLEASE try voting her for once?


Not a huge fan of selections here, especially since a lot of them are ones you've done before. Mostly sad to see Korra yet again in the lead; don't see the appeal honestly.