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Since the demo for the Hive is out (here if you missed it) and you now have a more precise idea of the world of the Hive, I'd like to know what kind of things you'd like to see in the game.

It could be kinky or cute situations, special events or locations and what kind of activities you could do in those locations.

I already have a basic plan of the Hive with different places like a park/playground, a library, a pool, a shop, a restaurant and a school/daycare. But I can still add more places so if you have a suggestion concerning that, feel free to comment.

I'm also fishing for situations or special events I could add in the game. I've already have a list of ideas but more is always welcome !



Maybe depending on your choices June can end up becoming a hyper wetter/messer? Like if there are choices to have her use a toilet or her pants but if we make her hold it instead eventually she starts having bigger and bigger accidents? Maybe we can end up with her body associate wetting and messing with Orgasms so every time she goes even if she on a toilet she'll cum. This and other options can have her end up becoming either a DL or ABDL depending on if you're able too keep her maturity higher or middling and still wants to Grow Up. If it gets too low tho then she just becomes an AB


Maybe the game could have flashbacks so gamers can learn what was June's life like before ending up in the Hive. The chooses in the flashback can present effect her dialogue options.


Thanks for the suggestions Blue! Some of these ideas were going to appear in the game already, but I really like the propaganda movie idea, will definitively use that at some point!


Scenario idea. MS.Sato starts to change Lola and Maddie in the nursing room and June has to watch (so she can understand what is to come next). June is surprised how obedient Lola is and it goes pretty quick because she is a good girl. Next with Maddie, she seems to be fussy but is still up on the changing table as it was a normal routine. Maddie is fussy because June is watching her that causes her to be embarrassed. MS.Sato shushes her in a sweet motherly tone and places a pacie in her mouth to calm her down so MS.Sato can finish changing Maddie (It works) "That's a good girl, I know how fussy you can get when others are watching, lets clean you up and you can be all done". Once the changing is done the three girls play in the nursery. June is worried this will soon be her fate.


The girls playing dressup with princess play dresses/costumes sized up for Juvies would be adorable.


This may sound a little too sci-fi even for this setting, but regarding the dystopian system: what if, a Juvie is caught doing something (or at least attempting to do something) so egregiously horrible within the HIVE system that she's dragged off to a secret room somewhere hidden away and made to sit right in front of a brain drain machine that fast-forwards her Resetting process to the point where she's quickly regressed to a state where she's already up for adoption (although it will be made abuntandly clear in the narrative that such a method is actually rarely used and only for *absolute emergency last resorts*).


I enjoyed the updated demo. Personally, I would like to see a few more options for June's first "accident", such as accidental messing. Perhaps this could be determined by other actions taken. For example, you could give June the choice of having an additional serving of pancakes for breakfast, or an additional serving of franks and means for lunch.


Also, given Miss Sato's physique, it would seem natural for her to nurse the most regressed of her Juvies. So perhaps nursing coudl be incorporated into a later scene involving a more regressed Lola.


Random chance to wet/mess when moving room to room?


Would be cool but there won't be a potty system in the game unfortunately, accidents will be scripted!


Well, I can't get everything I want. Your art is always top notch however.


like in PC maybe a chance to make diaper cummies, if so maybe they could cause further/faster regression.


There's plan to have some kinky scenes, so you won't be disappointed but that won't really affect the regression, it will be more like a part of it!


Not 100% sure, but I think the wall/fence doesn't high light when you mouse over it in the maddie play scene. I had selected everything else and couldnt figure out what to do.


The higlight is close in color to the sky, it will be corrected in the next demo ;)


A cute event could be while out shopping to avoid having to poop there diaper in front of everyone they can hide in a clothes rack to poop instead


One aspect of Perpetual Change I really liked was how Eclair's perspective on specific items would change based on the different maturity levels she reached. It probably would be a lot of work, but since this is a point and click game, there is a lot of potential for seeing how June's resetting progresses based on how perspective of things around her. As for specific scenarios: I think that an escape scenario, like a prison break, could be quite interesting. It would be really fun to see how it develops or fails depending on the character's regression status. On the flip side, maybe having the resettees have an event where they try to surprise their caregivers by working together. Either making a present or trying to prepare a meal together. I also like role reversals. Others have mentioned that with the staff, but it could be interesting to have dynamics change between the resettees. For example, a character that was previously a "big sister" suddenly resetting hard and becoming the little one. Depending on the story, this could be an interesting way for June to lose a mentor figure. I'll keep thinking.


Possible cute situations: buying diapers and other baby stuff in a supermarket, trying on cute outfits for big babies in a clothing store, diaper checks in public, diaper changes outdoors or in changing stations, tricycle or crawling races, playing in a playground in the park (sandbox, rocking horse, slide, swings...), watch shows for babies on tv, singing baby songs, dances for toddlers, playing with dolls and stuffies, tea party for princesses, play house, play doctor, play wedding, birthday parties for babies, medical check-up in a pediatrician's office, stroller rides, tantrums, naps, fall asleep while playing, play with mud, playing in the beach, homemade videos, tickling, somersaults, cute daycare uniforms, breast-feeding... Also scenarios for possible events like collecting Easter eggs on Easter day, trick or treating on Halloween or opening presents on Christmas day...


Ok so for context: I haven't always read the Hive updated so I went into this knowing next to nothing and I got to say, I'm already loving this. I love the small detail with the eye animation. I love the world building origin stuff. And I love the characters and their dynamics I thought it was going to be like a plot centered game where we do certain actions to uncover the story but now that I read more about it from the above post, I have suggestions for how the game can be furthered: * Princess Tea Party to introduce the other two girls * Pony rides where the girls have accidents (1, 2 or both). I'd prefer either before or during the pony ride. Or maybe they have an orgasm while on the ponies. The girls can even have matching horse print baby outfits * Baby Pageants like Napping Moss described * A personal fave could be a trip to the zoo where girls get embarrassed by meeting zookeepers * Girls staying too late during a slumber party and having to be spanked * Origin stories for each of the three girls * A scenario where Lola has the option to leave Hive when June is breaking out or rat June out so she can be a good baby 🍼


Would love to see more punishments like spankings or time outs for the less regressed babies like June or Alyssa causing them to lose control and have an accident when they normally wouldn't have one. If a character is being bratty (like repeatedly clicking on an item or asking the same questions) it could cause different punishments depending on the care giver. Also would love to see one of the less regressed characters trying to hide an accident in their panties/ pullups from their care giver.


One thing that I would personally love to see is optional scenarios based on how the player pilots the adventure. It may or may not affect the story as a whole, or it might just affect a scene or two based on choices. Essentially what I'm talking about is consequences. There's a lot you could do here, but maybe the player has choices and some will result in changes. For example maybe one longer path allows the player to grow back up while another keeps them in a more babyish state than they began. Or in the case of smaller choices maybe things like giving the player a brat path on some options. Getting annoyed at clothing that they get put in and taking it off only to be put in a different outfit and have mittens or something that might prevent them from doing so. This could potentially be tied into some sort of relationship system where different characters will have different interactions with the player based on past interactions. For example, calling out another Juvie for being mean to someone and tattling might improve your relationship with the person they were being mean to, and the person in charge, but they come back later and pour juice on/down your underwear to make everyone think you had an accident. Additionally while this is a visual novel at its core, I'd love the ability to "roam" or "explore" certain areas to potentially find secrets while risking running into trouble that could cause a further Reset. Specifically exploring the Hive itself, perhaps while other Juvies are napping. You could learn about being a Juvie and how to help prevent yourself from Resetting to hard, but making a wrong turn could leave you caught by a nannybot and sent to nap time, or caught multiple times and perhaps given some kind of punishment.


Well written so far, dialogue doesn't seem forced and flows well. Also the music is really on point, like it much better then what was used for Perpetual Change. Forgive me if this was covered in previous notes about The Hive, but what level of player agency will the game have? Is it going to be a visual novel with some branching choices or will there be some stats involved and daily activities to choose from as you build the story? So far the game seems like it will be a series of embarrassing, juvenile, and potentially kinky situations that June will be along for the ride on. I'm on board for that, but one thing I'd like to suggest for future development is a game where ABDL trappings aren't the 'bad' end so to speak. Maybe something where you play an automated nursery and your goal is to diaper and regress residents, or a girl who is secretly into ABDL and is trying to earn their way back to daycare. Many games focusing on ABDL inevitable end up as a race to the bottom in terms of ending up in diapers and that's the game over. Either way, still digging where you are going so far and look forward to seeing progress. My suggestions: First, have a way visually mark June's progress, like a potty chart. Something that can be commented on by other residents and caretakers and can be embarrassing not just for her but for other girls nearby. Also maybe compound that embarrassment by having a test associated with it, something like "only big (or little) girls are allowed to do X" and the number of accidents or wet stickers being the barrier. Second, I've always liked the idea of a dream leading to the start of bedwetting. Maybe give the player a chance to avoid it, but something like hypnotic nursery music is forcing June to dream about being a big baby and in her dream the baby barely even stops playing while using their diaper and its a struggle (or stat check?) to either startle awake, or do just as the dream baby does and wet the bed. Maybe later progression leads to night time messing and full incontinence. Third, could be fun to get some various hypnotic or conditioned triggers. Thumbsucking, childish lisp, potty dance, afraid to sleep without a crib, bottle dependence, conditioned to wet/mess if being breast fed (basically in = out), etc.


It is a simple thought, but how about a clothing store or a store in general to buy and customize your outfit, room, etc.


I think a customizable outfit system would be fun, and maybe for some cute scenarios, there could be a public change, or June being pushed around in a stroller


Gwen was one of my favorite characters from PC, and getting to have June interact with a non-Juvie DL caregiver or something along those lines would be fun if you ask me.


I would suggest having babish items scattered throughout the game that you choose to either interact with or not, and interacting with them causes you to be treated more like bab.


This isn't so much a place idea, but more so a string of smaller scenarios. I really REALLY enjoyed the messing/wetting timer and details you had for Perpetual Change. The sound affects as well as the various responses to wetting/messing and the visuals of being able to see the diapers go from slightly used, to full, to leaking/blowout, and being able to choose to get it changed right away or not. I'm not sure if The Hive will have similar game play in that regard but if it all possible (and of course if you want to!) I'd love to see it again! Either way- super excited for the game!


Customized outfits would be too much work but little items to customize the room could be cool!


I don't know how I could make a potty timer works in the game but I'll certainly try!


Like the ideas! Some of those are already planned but you add some twists on it I haven't thought of.


Yeah the music is licensed and come from a professional website, spent a long time looking for "visual-novel" type of music. For the development of the game, it is planned to let the player move around and explore and choose what activities to do in the future. The idea for the Abdl endings is that it will happen depending on which character and which path the player want to go along. I really like all the ideas you provide!


if maturity gets too low what if you became unable to understand your caretakers words. Or what if you could only tell if you wet your diaper through diaper checks. Not sure if it helps but those are my early game off the wall ideas :3


A couple areas that would work is maybe a theater that they set up where it would regress them with hypnotic suggestions as the movie plays. It would be cool to if it allowed us to choose what type of regression type the movie plays. Then maybe a toy store with tons of plushies and baby toys if there good.


maybe a whole "punishment" alternative to each generalized change, like if there was a natural flow and MC rebels in ways they get forced into it through a unique way, maybe earlier then it would have happened. ex. bad action results in a tounge injection that makes them lisp early on or glasses that makes is hard to read before any actual direct mental regression.


The tone of the game seems really fun and engaging. Seems like there's going to be some mystery elements like in Perpetual Change, which I think is very cool. One idea I have would be a fieldtrip into the city? They could bring juvies into the city under the guise of reacquainting them with society. This could also make some juvies reset harder. They could 'coincidentally' go to Junes old place of work where all of her old colleagues see her in her embarrassing outfit and diaper. Maybe someone who used to work under her, her secretary or maybe her old office bully changes her on her old desk? I could be wrong but it seems that the hive is some enclosed area where only other juvies, caretakers and other program associated people live? However I think some real life scenarios and humiliation around 'normal people' could be fun. Probably a lot of work for something that wouldn't get too much screen time in game though. Regardless I think whatever you guys do will be fun. Congrats on another exciting game Soap and Personalias :)


So Mel definitely. Also bit of a kinky idea but who says tricks can't also be treats.... Perhaps some aphrodisiac got in the candy?


The Demo was so fun! I was sad when it was over, but it's looking amazing so far! I love the little details like the gasps and eye blinks. It really brings the characters to life. I see a lot of people suggesting punishments and kinky situations, so i don't know if i have a lot to add on that front. But for me personally I'm a sucker for the tender side of ABDL. I think it would be wonderful to have some scenes of juvies playing together or snuggled up. Maybe I could list some ideas; snuggling with stuffies in a blanket fort watching cartoons. Snuggled with Ms Sato reading them a story. Playing with dolls together. A baby makeover scene with june getting fawned over and dolled up. two juvies holding hands during a diaper change. Just some really wholesome ideas to round out the more intense kinky scenarios. I can't wait to see more, and as always I am eager to lend my services if you need them!


It would be cool to see a crossover such as some characters from perpetual change like Eclair, ending up in the Hive.


Oh oh! The ability to put a pacifier in the character we're playing as mouth! With Eclair in Perpetual Change, I noticed we could carry a pacifier around in our items, and what she said about it changed based on our maturity, but I really wish we had the option to use the pacifier, (perhaps that would have increased our immaturity in Perptual Change), maybe having it slur our speech a bit if we have it in and furthering our babying.


(Okay, I finally played the demo and loved it. It's incredibly cute and this is going to be awesome. However, I have a bunch of suggestions/ideas in the next comments of random things I thought of!) I think the conversation bar sometimes covers the bottoms of the character's diapers when they're talking. Noticed this when Lola, Maddie, Sato, and June were all talking in the kitchen together during June's breakfast. It would be cute to be able to see that Maddie is wet before Sato checks her, but its hard to tell with the conversation bar in the way.


After the kitchen scene, Maddie's diaper is wet. Maddie is allowed to go out and play in the yard, though, and June can have a dialogue with her. I think it's odd for June's character to not be more...surprised at this. She's aware of accidents and diapers, obviously, but I still think that she should be taken aback that Maddie doesn't seem to care that her diaper is wet.


During the 'look for the pacifier' part, June has her first opportunity to head to the toilet. It seems biologically reasonable that June would have to *go* at this point, considering the time-elapse thus far. However, there is no consideration of this if you go into the bathroom with June when looking for a pacifier. Even if June is already regressed so far that she can't tell that she has to go, she doesn't appear so regressed that she isn't at least aware that she *should* have to go.


Also, I'm not sure how much the player will get to 'choose' for June in this compared to Perpetual change, but it doesn't seem like a no-brainer for June's character that she'd jump right into the pacifier hunt. It's plausible that she'd consider a search for a pacifier to be gross or weird, or be more focused on getting other information, like how to escape. If you don't want to give the player choices in this game, I think then a slightly more compelling character reason to even bother looking for the pacifier might be a good idea. For example; get the pacifier and we can go on a walk. Get the pacifier and Sato says something good will happen. Or have Lola be more upset about it being lost so that June feels sympathetic. Other ideas: Have the pacifier not lost, but hidden by Maddie. This could lay the groundwork for some fun plot or character beats in the short term. It could be a very eventful and eye-opening first day for June if Lola messes herself and Maddie gets in trouble.


Suggestion idea: I think it would be interesting and hot for there to be a character whose personality is getting their diapers as full as possible and going at great lengths to hide herself and get help from other characters in doing so. i think she'd be regressed somewhere in between Lola and Maddie - little enough to find that fun, big enough to be capable of planning. This would fun in the game style because it's a point-n-click game, and some amount of the time you'd click on a box or a large toy to find this character wet and stinky, and shushing you. Kind of like a built in where's waldo!


There could also be a bully-character who is way more regressed than anyone realizes. She needs diapers badly but is very good at hiding it, to the point where others consider her 'well above average' at potty training. You could, in the course of pointing and clicking, have June discover little ripped out unnamed journal pages written by this character fretting and venting about their regression around the Hive. It could be an 'ongoing' mystery as the player collects these notes about this character. It doesn't have to affect the plot, but once June 'figures' it out, she could either bust the bully or confront her for some fun side-content.


I think it could be really fun to have a sequence where June is trying to hide. Maybe it's big-kid book from the library, or she's stealing something from the store, or doing something secret at school. The player has to pick a good hiding spot in the room for June to hide in. You could have any spot be good, or have June reject the bad spots, or you could make it variable, depending on how many decision trees you want to introduce. Anyway, this could be a fun contrast to later in the game, when she's more regressed. June tries to confidently do the same thing, except this time her diaper is dirty, and she gets discovered because of the smell.


I know this sort of deviates from the other comments posted here, but a little bonus feature connected to the future use of the relation and regression structures could be that, if you trigger a certain "flag" for a character for better or for worse, there could be a little side popup message that could be a neat visual indicator for the player that *something* is coming along for them or you (i.e. "Maddie seems pleased.", "Your bond with Lola has grown.", "June feels rather giddy.")


A bit of advice in the game design area: I have a hard time discovering what is inspectable in the game or not, so why not make a bit of a hard rule that everything with a black outline is clickable? This will help players know what can be clicked on, which is kind of an accessibility issue but also helps set some consistent rules in terms of what the players can expect. I will send you a video from a game designer that talks more about this topic, hopefully it helps you out!