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Re-using this great picture from MagictoAmaze, I think it's going to become my  official summer break picture!

So, I'm going on break for August, I'll be back the first of September to post the usual suggestion Fan Art post. You won't be charge on the first of September since August doesn't count.

I'm going to rest, but also write and do thumbnails for the next comic pages and work on the games.

For the Hive, I want to have the dialogues for the introduction done in game. Also do some 3D rendering for backgrounds, this way there will only be backgrounds sketching and coloring left to do.

It still going to take time before the first demo is out. I plan about mid-October to release it. This will be a short demo (about 10 minutes) without diaper content for now.

Next is Perpetual change! I have some finale lines to commission Personalias and one picture left to put in the game. I'd like to commission an artist again for this last picture. I plan mid-September to have it finally done.

Hope you'll have a good summer, I'll probably post a reminder of my return the last day of this month!




I hope you have a wonderful summer break, Soap! You’ve been cranking out so much awesome artwork for us, and I’m loving the Zootopia comic! It’s a well-deserved rest, enjoy it! ☺️


Have a good break Soap


Just hope you don't leave any of the girls in messy diapers for a month. ;)


Enjoy your time off Soap! You’ve earned it.


Have a good break Soap!


Good Break

Wittwe AB Grw

hopes d vaycay nwice. figures mes joineds todays mwisters soaps bur wooking owd posts


Have a good break! and I have to agree on that picture fitting well for summer break. It has such a good vibe.


I can only hope, that you have had till now a very nice summer brake and that it still also will take as long, as you wish;-) And I also hope, that you will have as much time, as you want, to completely relax;-) It should also really be a SUMMER BREAK for you;-)


What time is the September fan art poll?