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Latest batch of work on the Hive !

This is probably going to be the last « pre-production » post since I'm close enough to begin production and really work in the game engine.

I've spent  a lot of time looking for sounds and music for the game and found some good websites with licence content. It costed a bit but it's way better quality that what I can find for free.

I've also worked on a set of expressions for June.

And some animation test.

I did one for Doctor Lang too, since that's the first character that June will meet.

These animations are only a test at the moment. I'd like to replicate that effect in game and I know it's possible (and relatively easy) in Renpy but I want to animate only the eye area. It should be a little more tricky to do in the game engine but I hope it'll work.

I also did some small corrections on the arms of Ms.Sato to make it less beefy.

I did a new set of arms for Lola, with a small variation. She's going to be thrilled to meet her new « sister » so I wanted the pose to reflected her excitement.

And finally, I drew a new character : Ms.Milner !

She's going to be in charge of the « Squirrel class », one of the three class at the Hive. She's very affectionate, loves singing songs and doing activities with the littles.

Next week, I plan to work in the game engine (finally!) and start building the game.




Animation... well... it's a surprise but a welcome one ! Great Job


Thanks, can't wait to start working in the engine and show some real progress!


You're pre production is looking great, should make scene creation a snap to do.


There's some programming to do too but once everything is in place, it should be relatively easy to do simple scenes!