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Just a quick post to notify you that the three months timeout for characters will become a nine months timeout.

That means that if you suggest a character in the Fan Art Suggestion Post that already got art in the last nine months, it won't be included into the polls. If it's included by mistake, the poll will be discarded and redone.



This is a great idea! Makes it where more characters will be drawn


Sounds good. I might suggest putting franchises in timeout for several months as well (like if a Pokemon character gets chosen, no Pokemon characters for a few months). You're not doing as many choices as before, so it won't have as pronounced effect, but it'll also probably be easier to manage. Glad to see you still tinkering around with this, though!


So happy for this change I hope we see more variety now


While the complaining done to get this was rude, the decision overall is a good one imo


Dang that's almost half a year. Though I guess we'll be seeing more variety


Timeout for franchises is too much to track, it's too convoluted to follow for me or the Patreons. I also don't think it's fair. If people really like a franchise, they should be able to suggest different characters from that franchise.


This is a good change. It's going to allow everyone to get an opportunity to suggest their favorite girls plus it will give Soap a chance to draw different characters.


So then this means everything from last month to last September is currently on timeout correct


I’m assuming this comes into effect starting with today’s poll and any polls going forward, as this rule change was posted after the suggestions post was.


Wonderful decision will be nice to finally get some variety and move away from Pokegirls and Marvel characters.


Thanks Soap, I'm sorry if I came off as a jerk about this kind of stuff at first, but I love this idea and change of rules to the characters. Thank you again!


Feels like we get closer and closer to you simply picking the characters/ideas you find interesting without a poll, lol. But hopefully even more different characters get picked with this.


Great change


Great change


Looks like Vader was right on the money, latest post shows all characters from the past 9 months are on time out.


Is there a list of the characters that are on the time out r