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Latest batch of work on The Hive!

Took me long enough but I finished the latest background! These pictures really take time to get lined and colored. I'm quite happy with the result.

So this is the living room of Ms.Sato, a place that is probably going to be used quite a lot. 

I don't think I have much to explain since I've gone throught the process last time. But I still put the linework and flats here so you can see the steps it took to complete this one. 

There's going to be so many backgrounds that I'm considering reaching out to others 3D artists in order to speed things up. But I'm also on a budget so we'll see how it goes!

Like for the kitchen, all the clickable elements are on a separate layer.

I plan to have pictures of the girls of the "family" in the frame, and maybe pictures of Ms.Sato too. Thought it would be a nice little detail.

And finally, I did a quick test of what a background may look like with characters. I've gone for a more cartoony and simple style. It will allow me to save time since the characters will change place and activity regularly. 

Also, writing officialy started for the game! I'm still working with Personalias and his writing is as good as usual, so I'm really eager to start integrating all that in the game engine.

Next time, I plan to work on the pictures for the living room (the frames) and on some new bustsets for Jane!




Looks like Lumpy’s turned from elephant to rabbit.


Hehe, though that would be a nice easter egg to have a plushie with similar colors!


Looks great. Can't wait for the first playable version. It was actually 'The Hive' promos that brought me here.


The pre-production always take a long time, it was the same with Perpetual Change, there was almost 9 or 11 months of just doing bustsets and maps, I can't wait to start really working in the game engine for this one!