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I'm going to post the Fan Art post on the 2nd of the month instead of the first because the first is a sunday and I'm taking my week ends off from now on.

Also, there won't be a demo for the game this month, since I've been working on the Hive, progress on Perpetual Change have been slower. From now on, I think I'll do a demo every two months.

Have a good week end, see you monday!



Welp, there goes my hope of being able to stay up all night without having to worry about going to work in the morning


Thanks for letting us know. Will it be 4am pst?

Blake Wall

Makes sense your work load probably got a lot bigger when you started working on The Hive as well


I simply avoid working on sunday or saturday from now on, it's not healthy. But on the other hand, it's rare that the first of the month is on a week-end