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Hello everybody !

I hope you're doing good and that this beginning of the year has been pleasant for you. I come back to the Patreon to share some news, good and bad.

You may have noticed that the tiers merged into a single tier that gives you access to all the Patreon for 1$ a month. Taking into account the two break months every year, that means all Patreon is accessible for 10$ a year.

In an inflation heavy period, it was about time some prices got sliced! You can change your pledge right now if you want to.

Aaaaand…We jump into the bad news.

I’ll be back on the first of April and not the first of March. So, you won’t have to pay anything for March either.

I had a ton of things to do IRL and I was convinced I could squeeze everything in two months. But it turned out not to be the case. I was so busy with everything going on that I wasn’t able to draw or work on anything for more than one month and a half. I was way too optimistic on the time it would take for me to get back to work.

I’m taking March off to prepare the next steps of the comics, maybe work a bit on games. I also need to get back to warming up and drawing after one month and a half of break.

I plan to introduce a bit of anatomy study into my daily work schedule. For now, I can’t take drawing classes because of financial and time constraints.

But I plan to start doing that in August. These are week-long courses with an involvement of 10 hours a week on average. I think I can manage that in the future and I’m really excited by that prospect.

The money I will save by not taking the classes right away will go into collabs and commissions for the game.

And that’s about all, I’m impatient to get back to work!

TLDR : I’m back on the first of April. You won’t be charged for March. The Patreon now costs only 1$ a month.



... I'm not paying any less than €7 a month for your art 😂 I can wait until April for more art but no WAY am I only paying $1 for access! Hope all the things you have to do work out well!


Thanks Just, that's very nice! But in case of hardship, there's no problem paying a bit less ;)


Your work is worth way more than 1$ per month. I hope you‘re gonna achieve what you want and im happy to be seeing your work again in april😁


Welcome back to the world of the living


Glad to see you're still alive! Real life matters come first, just gives me something to look forward to in April!


Hope everything goes well! Wishing you success in your personal life and art!


Soap coming back in April? This better not be an April Fools prank! lol


I hope March goes well for you! Nobody’s gonna sit here and rush you, just come back when you feel it’s right! Hope you’re doing well, Soap!


I am glad your doing good and RL always comes first, can't wait to see what you have planned for us in April.


Here was already so many said! That I only can say, take you all the time, you need! I will wait!


I won’t pay less then what I’m paying now, I really like your art and take all the time you need! I’ll be supporting you all the time!


Good to hear from you soap, it's too bad everything didn't go as you planned hopefully everything from now will work out, it's been so boring without your art to look forward to


Hasn't been the same without you, Soap! Hope you handle everything you need to and come back soon.


In a period of insanely high inflation you actually slash prices?! That's incredibly generous of you, but I'm not lowering my amount. If anything you should be raising prices to afford the classes you want to take. In short, you're too kind.


Like other people said your art is worth WAY more then 1 dollars i am perfectly fine spending way more then just one dollar on your art because it so good also have no problem waiting until April


Take care of yourself you nut. You're no good to us dead anyway ;p.


Woo! I got worried for a sec. Glad to know it's just a break :) Hope you and those dear to you are healthy and safe in these crazy times.


I am looking forward to April to enjoy your wonderful art again, Soap!


Your art is good and your storytelling in games is really good too. You don't overcharge. I feel like you are a really down to earth person and I like that.


Thanks buck, and the credit for the amazing storytelling in Perpetual Change goes to Personalias, who write the game!


Good time to get back to pledging... tho there might be a mistake as pledging at the basic level is currently not letting me look at art atm, im sure it will be fixed soon


Anyone else counting down the minutes until April 1?