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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 5 release.

Like Perpetual Change writing? Then you'll like Personalias, the writer of the game! Check out his work here :  https://www.patreon.com/personalias/posts or here : https://www.deviantart.com/personalias

Very happy of the progress today!

I started the day by continuing and finishing my work on the Bad M4 Ending, the one where both Eclair an Fiona end up in diapers. 

In the sandbox, the two girls share some good time, the moms don't take long before picking up on what's going on. 

The picture from Hazmabat is going to be used for the changing sequence right after. It's still not colored and there's several notes to myself during the scene to reming me where to edit the picture. So don't worry when you play the demo, this scene is going to be unfinished and rough. 

Before the credits roll, we get a last cute and kinky moment for both Eclair and Fiona. I let you the surprise for the next demo!

Then I moved on to the good endings, finally! This time, Fiona is fortunate enough to wake up in her room and not in a nursery. But her clothes changed and that's not all...

After a quick conversation with her dad, Fiona realize that she must now assume the unfortable role of mother. 

I ended the day working on the next scene, where Fiona go check the daycare and Valerie. Seems like that reality change wipe some memories out...  

The maps areeasy to work on for this ending since most of them have already been used for other endings. So most of the work day was focused around pixel art and dialogue integration.

And that's about it for today! Next week I plan to continue and hopefully end the good endings so I can switch to the neutral endings the week after!




Looks like some great work done so far soap! I see an error in the first text box, the tense should be "poop" is tead of "pooped" but otherwise all looks great!


Adorable! Really wish there were some walk through of the game. I know one person who was doing a series on it, but they stopped at chapter 4.


I wouldn't mind doing this. I may be that one person. But I really do wanna play the game when its completed


Is it possible to play this on my android?