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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 5 release.

Like Perpetual Change writing? Then you'll like Personalias, the writer of the game! Check out his work here :  https://www.patreon.com/personalias/posts or here : https://www.deviantart.com/personalias

Today was pretty good!

I finally started to work on the  endings, it should be a fun ride!

Like in the other timeline, Fiona have to make a choice. But this time, the maturity loss feels a lot more heavy for Eclair. And she knows she's going to be stuck like that for a long time, no matter Fiona's choice.

I started by the bad endings. If you have a bad relation with Fiona, she'll choose to prioritize her mom over Eclair. But this time, Eclair interfere and try to stop the reality rewrite. She only manage to make things worse...

For Fiona, at least!

There's going to be two different "openings" to this bad ending. If Eclair is M3 (pre-school level of maturity), Fiona wakes up in a familiar place and in a familiar bed.

In this new horrifying reality, she took the place of Eclair as her little sister. Before Fiona can fully understand all the implications of her situation, she fall into regression like her friend.

If Eclair is M4 (baby level of maturity), Fiona wakes up at home but not exactly like she would wish for.

At least she gets to enjoy a close moment with her mom before fading away.

And that's about all for today! Next week I plan to expand on the M3 bad ending, there's still the epilogue to work on, which is the biggest part. So see you next week!




Idk why but I really want more of baby Fiona. You are truly amazing Soap and all who have worked on this game. Love it

Larsen Lion

Will we have the right to an end where Fiona voluntarily decides to return to the life of a kind baby by transferring her maturity to her mother in order to be able to live the childhood that she did not live with her?


There was the whole section at the store. Perhaps there is something you could work with there? More friends and all that.


all in all every thing I'm seeing is phenominal.

Zander Chesney

Hi I'm new sorry. I was wondering. How do we actually play the game? Is it available somewhere or not yet?


Each month Soap releases a demo for his Patereons, all new content from Chapter 5 unless its stated by Soap that there is no demo for the month. This lets you play from Chapter One thru the new content through Chapter 5. The Teir you need to be is either Teir 2 or Teir 3 to access it.


It looks amazing and I cant wait to see the commissioned drawings for each ending. 😍


On the first of this month, you can find a post for the game with a downloadable demo, just need to download it, unzip it and double click the icon.