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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 5 release.

Like Perpetual Change writing? Then you'll like Personalias, the writer of the game! Check out his work here :  https://www.patreon.com/personalias/posts or here : https://www.deviantart.com/personalias

Today was pretty heavy! 

I started the day by working on maps, first one is the "Doctor room".

Room in which Eclair and Fiona finally confront Mayor Knox and...The mysterious Voice as well.

There was a lot of sprite art to do for this part, especially for the interaction with the nanny-bot later.

There's also flavor text and some interactions with the background.

As Fiona is getting worse by the minute, our heroes reluctantly ask a Nanny-Bot for help. 

And this Nanny-bot will be a new member of the group from now on! 

Finally I worked and playtested the next room : A mock preschool. The "perfect" environment for Eclair and Fiona!

And that's all for today! There was a ton of playtest and adjustments so I'm a bit late posting this.

Next week should be heavy on graphic elements, both sprite and bustsets so I hope to be able to clear enough of the other work for the Patreon to work two full days on the game!




Game looks like it's coming together wonderfully Soap! And I love seeing the drastic changes between the different paths, either the more mature or less mature path. Great work Soap! Looking forward to the next demo! =D


This is the path I am most excited about. I think the characters look so adorable in their regressed state. I am almost excited to play the completed game.


Im excited to see how Fiona is gonna turn out after this


Thanks Bob! Having very different storylines depending on Eclair's maturity wasn't easy but it's going to be pretty rewarding in the end!