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I'm sorry to have promised a livestream last week and to go back on my word like that. I don't want to pull another all-nighter to do a stream. I shouldn't even have promised that in the first place, I apologize for the people who have been waiting for it.

It's unprofessional of me and I'll make sure that doesn't happen again. I've been guilty of laziness and lack of motivation lately and I need to get my shit together.

I'll be back at my regular weekly schedule tomorrow. As a reminder, you're not going to be charged for this month (March), the next billing will be on the first of May.

I hope everyone is good and safe in these bad times, by the way!



Take care of yourself, it'll be bad for everyone if you end up forcing yourself too much.


So I missed the livestream and the poll for this month? Dang. It really do be that way sometimes

leoryff Studios

These are hardly typical times, I doubt anyone really blames you.


im just hoping you resume the comics, not to be mean but you really have left them behind and they could use with being resumed


Thanks, it's hard time for everyone at the same time so I still have no excuse ;)