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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.   

A bit of progress made today! That was a decent day of work. We're slowly headind to the end of the chapter. 

Since there's still the potty system, the sidequest and some more polish to do (additionnal pixel art, finishing the illustrations, etc.), I think we have more or less two month left or a bit more before finally finishing the chapter.

I wish I could speed up things but as always, it's a slow and time consuming process.

I started the day by drawing a new outfit for the chibi picture of Eclair in the menu, now that she's out with her mom.

I also blocked the acess to the houses to Marna. After all, she has absolutely no reason to enter people's houses like that...Which means Eclair is going to get some interesting changes in the open.

Then I mainly focused on a scene at the store where Eclair meet the Sayers again, in her new form.

And to finish the day, I worked on a scene with Fiona and her mom. This scene will happen once you did all the errands with Marna.

For now it's still a placeholder but I hope to get it done by next week.

And that's all for today! Next week I want to get some aditionnal pixel art and polish done, I also want to finish the Fiona scene and start working on the next scene with Granny. See you next time!




I am so excited to play this chapter when it’s complete! You are doing magnificent work. How hard do you think it would be to implement a text skip or cutscene skip feature? I know nothing about coding. But it would be convenient for those of us who want to play through the chapters to see eclairs dialogue but not necessarily want to sit through everyone else’s.


Thanks, unfortunately for the skip feature, it's not possible since I also know nothing about coding, I think the shortcut to each different chapters and the saves will be enough in the end for people who want to replay certain parts.


This chapter is by far my favorite so far. I loved that there is a way to COMPLETELY lock yourself into a failure state loop. Thus you'd have to load from a much earlier part of the chapter or start it from scratch. It doesn't matter which choice you make it will lead to a bad ending, love it.


Thanks Guilyn! Each choice in this chapter can lead or not to a bad ending, but it's not automatic. If you get a bad ending and choose to continue, it should reload right before the choice to give you the opportunity to take the other choice. If that didn't happen in your game, it's an error, tell me at what moment it happened so I can correct it ;)


It’s the falling into the whole in the corn field. One choice makes Eclair lose maturity the other makes Val suspicious. If both meters are one away from being maxed it doesn’t matter which you pick as both lead you fail states. Also there is another time I’m not sure if it’s a glitch or not but once Fiona activated the nanybot and is put to bed there is a scene of Val talking to kalton? The meter for Fiona being caught pops up but there isn’t a choice there that can effect it. After that it fades to the lunch room and suspicion meter is completely gone and only the maturity meter is there


So I finally got around to playing the game (its great by the way). One question, is it possible to turn the text black? With it white it is very hard to see the text, and on the bio page it is impossible


Oh yeah that was intentional! And thanks, I realize now what you're talking about, my bad, I was thinking there was a bug with the bad endings!


Thanks Gamer, and no, there's no way to turn the text black ingame, unfortunately!