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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.  

Today was pretty good, I wish I could have done more but that's always the case when I work on the game.

I pick up where I stopped last week and worked on the "Nap Time" scene who directly follow the TV scene in the playroom.

Once again, there's going to be some little differences depending if Fiona previously choose for a fun or sleepy television program.

With "Fun", Eclair will get changed by Valerie before the Nap, but with the other option, Eclair is put to bed without a change. 

Instead, she'll get changed when she wake up...By a different person.

I also had to go back at the Fiona segment in the Underground to integrate this scene as it was originally a placeholder and playtest the all thing to see if it works from here.

The next scene was pretty heavy to work on as it's finally the reunion between Eclair and Fiona.  

The dialogues are pretty long and as Eclair is back, she have different lines of dialogues depending on her maturity, which always slow down the playtesting since there's more things to check.

So, this sequence is still being work on! It will be the last big moment before the player can take back control and wander around in the island.

Fiona also get to introduce Mona. I had a ton of fun designing a new outfit for this character and doing spritework.

And that was all for today! 

Next week, I plan to have this all sequence done and maybe focus a bit on the pictures I still have to draw!
