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Here's a new serie I should be starting this month! It will feature Azula from The Last Airbender some years after the end of the show.

It will consist of pictures with alternatives and text, it should be 10 or 12 pictures for the whole thing.

Hope you'll enjoy that cover! The original and the textless version are available right bellow in attachments! 




reminds me of a story I once read. Looks like it is gonna be a fun time


This looks like it's gonna be amaaaaazing.


Do you know what the plot synopsis of the comic is gonna be? Like what does it entail? Will it be solo Azula or will we see the other Avatar girls diapered?


Yes, I have it all planned. It's not really a comic, it's more a serie of illustrations with text over it. And it will be only Azula!


Will the whole comic be downloadable at once, or do I need to save it page by page?


It's going to be page by page but I can make an archive with all the files at the end