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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.  

Today, the progression on the game was slow but steady. I encounter some issues while making pixel art that delay the scenes I was working on a bit.

I started the day by finishing the NPCs lines for good. A good thing done! I cheated a bit as some areas (two in total) are simply going to be inacessible due to the tourists.

After that, I did a some  mapping for the future scenes in the underground lab.

There are going to be two more segments with Fiona, one of which is going to be particularly fun to make!

For the rest of the day, I focused on the bad ending you can get when raising Valerie suspicion meter to the maximum.

This ending will be a bit more darker than the previous ones and will include two pictures made by BestLia.

But also an extra scene with Valerie! It's going to be one of the more fleshed out bad endings and even if it's going to be relatively short, it also going to contain some fun moments.

This bad ending need to be linked to all the time the player can raise the Suspicion meter. I'm currently integrating it to these previous sequences.

And that's about it for today! 

Next week, I will probably focus on the pictures that are still not done. So, see you next week, as usual!




More Fiona :), I've really warmed up to her over the chapters because at the start I hated her but now I think she's a great friend who you can trust.


Glad to see the game will include more boobie action :)


I like when the bully gets what they deserve (diapers lol), but Fiona turns out to be nice,so I kind of feel bad for what's happening to her.


And it's still not over for her, she's going to suffer a bit more into this Nursery hell!


oooooooh. Darker "Bad" endings. Can't wait to see them all in game.