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Second poll of the month! Suggestions are limited to 40 overall due to Patreon's limitations on poll (20 suggestions max/ poll). 

Sorry for the suggestions that didn't make it this month!

You can vote for as many characters you want!



oh god, I hope to see Rapunzel win! Always love your art with her!


There's too little votes for my girl nezuko :(


Rebecca Chambers please


I'm hoping for Akali! Especially if it's the KDA dayglo version :D


CC would be ideal, if only because she is best girl of Code Geass


POS can you surprise everybody by drawing the least voted for selection? I realize you're trying to give the popular vote some love, but there's always good choices going missed out on. Maybe instead of top 2/3. We get best vote and worst vote?


I'm rooting for April from tmnt personally but I'm sure I'll like whatever the winners are!!


No sorry, I don't do that anymore, I must focus on the most voted choices, it would be unfair for someone to see that his suggestion get 80+ votes but don't get drawn when a 10+ votes suggestion get drawn.


I feel like the polls should be seperated by popular and least popular. Would make it a lot more fair to characters that arent well known/loved


I feel like the suggestion livestream already fulfill this goal even if the suggestions made during the stream are less complicated (flat colors and no bg) but I really fell like it would be unfair to draw 10+ voted suggestions instead of 70+ voted suggestions at this point.


I meant like physically splitting it. Maybe having someone look through the suggestions for you if you don't know what's current and compiling a list of what's what. This way you don't have to be forced to apply an idea to a popular name. Especially since 99% of people don't go back and look at what the idea is for the character, they just see the name and click. But hey that's just my two cents in the matter. Just feels bad that When you pick someone who is pretty good with a good idea and it gets destroyed when up against just about any Disney character


I can't split the polls unless I know what characters are popular and what characters are not. And I'm perfectly happy by drawing whatever people choose in majority.