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Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I didn't made a announcement, there are going to be several small changes on this Patreon and I also wanted to talk about the future.

First, I wanted to thanks you all for your support, I didn't expect the Patreon to do this good when I started and it was really a "last chance" kind of thing for me, at the time.

Now I'm doing well and I can save money for future life projects. This month, I've reached the amount needeed to pay a cursus in a good school. I'm starting to get old and I waste a lot of my good years running in circles with no plan. So the opportunity of starting clean again and focusing on a objective is a rare thing that I'm incredibly lucky to have.

I know you're here for the fun diaper content but you're also giving me enough to plan the future, and for that I can't thank you enough. Now that I reached my main objective, I don't need to make as much money, I'm just going to save for extra spendings.

So! I decided to lower prices again. The 4$ now become the 3$ Tier. Patreons at this Tier will be able to suggest and vote for Fan Art. I'm encouraging everyone to lower their pledge from 4$ to 3$.

The situation will stay the same until next September where all the Tiers will merge into a single 2$ pledge. At this time, I'll stop doing Rewards and focus only on Fan Art and Comics for a whole year. I will also take my full weekend and stop to work the Saturday.

In two years, I'll start my cursus (finger crossed) and the pledge will be reduce to 1$, but my work will also be greatly reduced as I will need to focus on school.

In short!

4$ Pledge now become 3$ Pledge. You can suggest and vote for characters by paying 3$/month.

Next September, pledges will merge into a single 2$ Pledge that will give you acess to everything (Fan Art, Game, Comics, Suggestions, Votes.)

Also Next September, I will take my full weekends and stop working on Saturday.



While I'm overjoyed things are going this well for you, I can't help but wonder if "I'll stop doing Rewards and focus only on Fan Art and Comics for a whole year." Includes perpetual change. I would hate to see development cease, since it's my main reason for donating, although your art and comics also contribute.


Yeah, I'd like to say this all sounds great, but the game needs to be addressed. Ideally, you would be able to wrap-up the development and put out a final/feature complete version of the game, before shifting gears. I applaud your goals and think that's great, but I would like to see you complete this multi-year project before moving on so to speak.


Yes, it includes Perpetual Change, I'll keep working on it and I think we can have it done by the time I start my cursus.


Yes, that what I was planning to do, I'll continue to work on the game and have a final release ready by the time I start my cursus.


I‘sorry if I ask so bluntly, but you said you’re getting old, how old are you? And second question, what is a cursus?


Good luck with all your future plans <3


That's awesome actually. Your Patreon keeps on evolving and you don't see that with many Patreons.


Does this mean September 2019 or 2020? Also I'm glad you're making progress on your art career!


I am glad I've been a patron to you for over a year now


Still happy to support you with my current pledge!! Congrats on getting into art school!!


Congratulations! I really like your art. You said that you planned to start another game AFTER Perpetual Change was that still in the works or have you revised your plans?


Old enough to be ashamed of getting back to college ;) A cursus is an ensemble of courses, I ignore if there's an english term for it, it's an education or a degree in short.


Thanks! I try to adapt the Patreon depending on future plans and what's going on at the moment.


September 2019, it's when the pledge will merge into a single 2$ pledge. And thanks a lot!


Thanks a lot Cless! I'm not sure about starting a new game after Perpeutal Change for now, PC is a biiiiig chunk of work, I'm just hoping to have it done before I start my degree for now.


So what do you plan on doing after school?


That's in a long time, probably working in a professional environment and doing abdl art on the side.


I just so happened to get in on the price drop. Been meaning to sub to you on Patreon, only recently had the money to start doing so.