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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.   

A good day of work on the game! I'm quite happy with today production. I started by integrating the scenes in the Nursery.

Eclair have to do another choice, that could lead to a maturity loss or not. As usual, the danger would be to increase Valerie suspicion by not acting "babyish" enough.

If Eclair is immature enough, the scene transform into a bad ending and a little epilogue illustrated by a nice picture of Eclair playing on the beach. The picture is still a work in progress, I'll try to have it done by next week if I got the time.

But if Eclair is mature enough, all's going to be fine and she'll even have the chance to reunite with her friends.

Next, I worked on the new scenes in the underground, featuring Fiona in diaper, finally! I think this all segment with Fiona is going to be very fun to work on. The pixel art and layout of the maps was already fun to do, so I can't wait to see how the writing is going to wrap all this.

To close the day, I integrated a lot of NPC lines. Now that I can work with another writer, it's perfect to have  additional work done on the side. There's still a good bunch of lines to write for random Npcs all over town but it shouldn't take more than a month to have all that side work done.

And that's all for now! 

Next week, maybe I'll don't have enough material to work with so maybe I'll focus my work on something else. So, see you next week, maybe!




Woah! POS this chapter is so exciting! I'm always happy to see updates to the game. And getting Fiona in diapers finally is excellent. She's really developed into a fun character to interact with!


Any spanking in the 4th chapter?


Hopefully we get a monthly demo soon to see all your fantastic work. I cannot be more excited for this game.


Thanks! This chapter is going to be fun, I can't wait for Personalias to have the writing done!