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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.  

It's good to be back on the game! The next scenes aren't written down yet but as we know where we're going, I decided to take some advance. For the comeback, I focused on pixel art and mapping all day.

First, I did some sprites for Fiona's new outfit, including nude sprites.

There's also a new character : a sort of floating robot who's going to have some role in the next scenes.

Fiona is going to find herself in a very weird and particular place. What could it be?

I had to create a new tileset for this place so that was quite a long process. It's still not over but I already have some maps.

The goal was to create a "crazy laboratory" kind of vibe.

The pixel art took me a crazy amount of time but I'm quite happy with the result. I plan on doing more for next week and maybe animate one or two things. 

Unfortunately, as it's a new tileset, I still have to do all the hitbox and it's going to take even more time.

Next week, I plan on achieving that, working a bit on a graphic asset, doing more pixel art and more mapping!

See you next week!



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