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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 4 release.

Today, I don't have a whole lot to show, I spent most of my time drawing a new outfit for Fiona.

In fact, two new "outfits" since Fiona didn't get a nude bustset until yet.

The baby outfit should be used later in this chapter. I'm not super happy with how it came out. The diaper's fine but the top is a little weird to me.

This took me a crazy amount of time, with little pose variations like hands up, hand down, etc, it become time comsuming really fast.

Once that was done, I continued my work on Phoenix shop, for chapter 3 this time.

There's still playtest to do and, unfortunately, a lot of dialogues variations depending if Eclair have a wet/ messy diaper on.

I tried to avoid that kind of stuff as much as I could in chapter 3 but I'll have to do it for the shop. 

And that's all for today! I hope I'll have more to show next week!

I'll keep Mishelle's new bustset for next month, I don't want to spend any more time on bustsets, I reached my limit.

So next week, probably ending the shop integration and working a bit on the story!




Is it me or does it look like Gwen has padding under her pants, too. ^///^


Fiona is adorable. I volunteer to babysit.


Glad to hear about more of the variation on dialouge depending on the state of her diapies. I love dialouge pointing out,teasing,etc. Characters based on that.


Oh boy...., that's amazing fiona can end up in diapers!!! But I would prefer her to suffer so with no mental regression or adjustment to it. Maybe because she witnessed it happening to somebody else, the flash doesn't effect her properly???


It's going to be more like a segment of the story, we don't plan on integrating a maturity system for Fiona ;)