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So, I was planning on going back today and start livestream again.

I get back to my flat and set up my computer and all yesterday. However, this morning, I get a Windows Update that messed up my graphic tablet. I tried to restore the system back to a previous point, deactivate windows updates, restart the all thing several times.

I didn't sucess and now my computer is stuck on the start loading, even if I try to force a restart. My only option now is to wait the night and praise.

I spent most of my day just trying to remove this f**** update and it's really frustrating. 

If by tomorrow, the problem isn't solved, I'll try to work on my laptop, who's very slow and buggy. 

If the problem persist to wednesday, I won't be able to work on the game as all the stuff is on the other computer. 

It's really the cherry on top for this disaster of a month. I want to apologize to anyone who join the Patreon during this period and for the others as well. 

If I can, I'll try to focus the next days on the last Fan art and comic pages. I'll keep you in touch on the progress tomorrow.

Thanks again for your support, I'll try to correct that issue the fastest I can. 



It's not your fault Microsoft are wankers, Soap. Try not to stress to much and just focus on getting your PC back to normal.


Hey man you cant stop acts of God or nature shit happens. Still I feel your pain when it comes to data lost. I lost everything because of a glass of milk.


Don‘t stress it , you aren‘t responsible for such shitty microsoft updates, just keep cool : )


No need to apologize. Windows updates have been making my life hell for the past year on my PC. It's an embarrassment.


Thanks a lot Bob, turn out the problem was on wacom side, the pen just stop working all of a sudden, and now way to disassemble the thing, it's just welded together.


Thanks a lot, it's really frustrating when the hardware malfunction without any reason, it eat away so much time.


Ahah, yeah, I think everybody have the same feeling about those damn updates, I can't believe Windows constantly force your hand on this, even if you try to manually de-active this thing.