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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 3 release.  

Once again, I spent all my day working on the Potty System. It's finally done! 

There still the need for some graphic assets like picture of Eclair when her diaper leak or blow out and some special scenes if Eclair maturity drop from some tier to another.

I playtest most of it and that seems to work well. If there's still little bugs here and there, I count on the players to report them after the official release.

So, different warnings are triggered after a certain amount of time, like with the potty system from Chapter 2. 

These warnings leads to different accidents (wet/mess) and the new warnings are link to the state of Eclair's diaper.

The mechanics was a bit tedious to work on but all seems to work fine for now!

Next week, I think I'll be back working on the main plot or on graphic assets, we'll see!




Oh, I'm sure at least a few of us will be testing it thoroughly... XD


Awesome! I'm glad that the potty system worked out! I know a lot of people who make ABDL games spend a LOT of time on it, so it's good that you were able to get it implemented pretty quickly!


*Claps* Good to hear things are on a roll!


Yeah, fortunately I already have a good base with the potty system from Chapter 2 so I didn't had to start from scratch!


the different warnings sound great. it sounds similar to what lawfirm did really well which is a great ideal where based on ur current warning you got different events from interacting with different items. Makes for great multiple replayablity found myself playing with different items and even finding different places. for example the barkeeper takes you to her home if you mess when she takes a picture and you can then interact with items at her home. For example my favorite scene when you interact with a picture book jodie concentrates so hard to read the words that she has a mess very cute moment ^_^


btw i love the babyish outfit for this chapter it looks so adorable <3


Yeah, Lafiwrm was a big inspiration for me, I remember that scene wit the berkeeper!