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Warning ! Don't open and scroll on these posts if you want to keep the surprise for the final Chapter 3 release.  

Today I spent all my time working on the Potty System and it's far from done. 

The Potty System itself is 18 pages long, it contains all the interactions between Eclair and her "caretaker" (Toilet use, diaper check, change, warnings about upcomings accidents and accidents).

For now, I integrate half of it and playtest very little, it took me an enormous amount of time due to the different branch and accidents conditions.

To give you a taste, here how it works so far.

You can first choose the skill to use. The diaper checks trigger dialogues between Fiona and Eclair depending Eclair's diaper state.

The diaper change can only be triggered if the player is in a bathroom. Then, it'll play different cutscenes depending Eclair's diaper state.

From what I playtested, everything seems okay. But I know the big piece going to be the Warning/Accident system.

It's a kind of nightmarish blueprint that looks like that.

Next week, I'll try to have that baby done and start to playtest it in details.

Little bonus : This sunday, I worked on a graphic asset for an item I had on my backlog for months.




The Warning/Accident System does look rather intimidating...