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Now I'm working for new manga for C97.

The task I'm doing now is called "ネーム (Name)", in Japanese manga culture.

It is something like storyboard in movie.


Here, there are character dialogues, monologues, characters are placed, character movements and emotions are expressed, camera positions and angles are set, and frame switching is specified.
At first glance, it looks very rough. But in fact, most of the quality of the comic is decided at this stage!



Densetsu Meru

I was wondering what you meant by ネーム, but that makes sense now


Thank you for another great Haruhi and good luck with your new manga!


The word originally meant to specify the typeface and size of the line phototype for printing. (It was "name" in the sense of specifying it.) That changed the meaning, and the dialogue itself in manga is now called "name". Furthermore, even a rough sketch for specifying the line typesetting was called "name".

Kyle Fiker

I'll never get tired of your Haruhi! You do great work, and I look forward to your new manga!