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A bit of a pause on the MR and AA fight to catch back up with Sal and Finch a bit. I wanted to get back around to Gamma Cutie as she'll play an important point in the story towards the end. Also, more butt. Sal's is generally covered by her hair, so there's a glimpse at it.


Gamma's not dead, just greatly injured. I had to go and check the older pages to make sure that I had gotten her initial scars correct. I saw some people predict that Gamma would get killed off, but I wasn't willing to do something like that, especially considering some plans I have going forward for character relationships. She is down for now, though. She can shrug off most things, but not this one.


A bit more Sal and Finch dynamic here. Sal has been a hero for a few years at this point and can shrug off the majority of scrapes, so having Finch around to remind her of what it's like to be a brittle normie is something I wanted to put in for the sake of contrast. Sal and Finch's entire dynamic is just a bunch of contrasting, which is why it's fun to have them together. I also think it's funny for Carmen to have a thing for cows, which is why it could have been anything, but cows were the funniest option to me.


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