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Was loooooong. First traveling 12 hours there and then play the show. Having a signing session after our show. Going back to hotel for 2 hours of sleep. Waking up at 05:45 going by car to the airport 3,5 hours and then fly the same route back, Vienna - Frankfurt - Sweden. Taxi 🚕 arriving at 8 P.M. so roughly another good 13 hour trip. 😁

Oh and also the driver was tired, he almost fell asleep. I noticed his eyes were closed and I kind of screamed. Always some small drama with cars. 🚙💤 We stopped for a break to get fresh air for the driver, and coffee. I understand also they had a tough schedule getting bands back and forth to the airport. 😬 The other car was driving 140-180 km an hour and arrived 15 minutes before our car that was only allowed to drive 100-110 because of me. He was nice, but the road and the slow speed made him extra tired he said. 😅

The view was beautiful though as you can see in my photos. And we love masters of Rock. It’s such a fun festival to play at, top notch audiance. We LOVED it. 🥰


To the airport
I always eat sushi before the flight ✈️ it’s a tradition of mine. Or my new routine.
The weather was good. 👍
Evening arriving late driving from Vienna
Crossing the boarder
A city 🏙️
Fun car passing by
Oh and an amusement park by night
Waking up taking a walk
Found a restaurant
My favorite dish
Time to go home (I totally forgot to take photos of the backstage area)
Magical sky
Fields of gold
The hills are alive
Hills and blue sky
My favorite photo
What kind of trees is that?
Sunflower field🌻
Almost home
Wiiih 🥳😍



Was it a festival driver? I guess they are dangerously overworked during the event 😬 I had a 24 hour trip home, missed the last bus and deep inside my soul happy not to be planning any more festivals this summer 🤣 MoR is amazing though. From the audience perspective it's one of the best festivals, hope the treat the bands well too 😁

Elize Ryd SRC

They treat the bands extremely well! It is one of the favorites for us bands also. Very heartfelt arrangement, and George is so lovely ❤️ Glad you made it home safe. Yes it was an overworked festival-driver. I don’t know about MoR, but in many other festivals these are usually private people volunteering.